Enrollment options

6 credits

Students will choose a primary focus of ministry that is related to their interests and/or practices of ministry as the topic of the Master of Pastoral Ministry Project. The written reflection on this Master of Pastoral of Ministry Project should state the goals of the selected ministry action and clearly demonstrate the student’s knowledge and skills in the practice of ministry. This reflection should also describe the context of ministerial action, and integrate learnings from course work and readings in the Master of Pastoral Ministry program. It should articulate the student’s vision of ministry, a description of personal gifts, opportunities, challenges, hopes and dreams for oneself and others involved in the project.  The reflection paper should also describe the participation of people/faith community in the project and conclude with an annotated bibliography of sources used in the ministry project. The student should work closely with MPM administrators during this phase of the program.

This course is offered on Teachable© rather than in the GMU Classroom. After registering for the course, the student will receive a link to access its classroom in Teachable©. 

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