IPA688 Spiritual Direction as Holy Companioning/Anam Chara in the Celtic Tradition
Section outline
4 credits for M.Th./M.Div, 6 credits for Th.D./D.Min.
Bridget Mary Meehan, D.Min.
Email: sofiabmm.bmm@gmail.com
This course provides an overview of the ancient practice of spiritual companionship or spiritual mentoring in the Christian tradition. It provides helpful input about the spiritual journey provided from the experience of the mystics, a knowledge of prayer techniques and an understanding of the difference between spiritual direction and pastoral counseling..
Spiritual Friend: Reclaiming the Gift of Spiritual Direction, Edward H. Tilden, Paulist Press, 1979 ISBN: 080912288X
Holy Listening : The Art of Spiritual Direction Guenther, Margaret, Cowley Publications, 1992. ISBN: 1561010561
Praying with Visionary Women, Bridget Mary Meehan, Sheed and Ward, 1999
Praying with Celtic Holy Women , Bridget Mary Meehan and Regina Madonna Oliver, Liguori, 2003
1) to introduce the student to spiritual direction' s rich heritage and historical background within the Christian Community--a centuries-old, developmental process.
2) to present this particular style of one-on-one relationship of mentor-to-directee interaction as distinct from pastoral counseling, and to know the difference.
3) to emphasize the place of prayer and of prayerful intuitive listening, with reliance on the Holy spirit and sensitivity to the way the Holy Spirit is working, uniquely, in the life of each directee.
4) to recognize the signs in one's life that one is being 'called' to serve as a 'spiritual friend' or 'anam cara' for others.
5) to recognize that one who is being asked to serve as 'spiritual friend' for another must also be one who is, herself/himself seeking guidance of a spiritual mentor
Select one of the following and write a paper with your reflections. Integrate your learning from the texts with your experiences.
1) Research the Tradition of Spiritual Direction coming to us through the Celtic Tradition of 'Anam Cara'. Report the result of your study in a Research Paper following the guidelines of the MLA Style Sheet. Upload your paper at the link below and I will be notified automatically.
2) Choose a mystic in the Christian tradition, well-known for giving direction to others, and discover through your reading the highlights of that particular person's approach to his/her directees. Note any particular themes or points of emphasis which especially mark this spiritual guide's interaction with others. (Some possible choices of mystics: Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norich, Francis of Assisi, Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Francis de Sales, Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen---another of your choice).
3) Seeking the help of a "Director" in your own Christian walk, for the next few months chronicle your interaction with this person and your analysis of how helpful this has been.
Your input is very important to us; therefore we urge you to submit a Course Evaluation:
This link leads to a short Course Evaluation Survey.
Bridget Mary Meehan, a Sister for Christian Community (SFCC), and bishop for the United States Southern Region for Roman Catholic Women Priests holds a master's degree in spirituality and religious education from Catholic University and a doctorate in ministry from Virginia Theological Seminary. She is a spiritual director, conference speaker, consultant in women's spirituality, and author of twenty books, including The Healing Power of Prayer, Exploring the Feminine Face of God, Heart Talks with Mother God, Delighting in the Feminine Divine, A Promise of Presence, Affirmations from the Heart of God, Praying with Celtic Holy Women and the award-winning Praying with Visionary Women. For more information about programs, workshops, retreats, and books, e-mail Dr. Meehan at sofiabmm@aol.com
Dr. Meehan is producer and host of GodTalk, an interfaith cable television program that aims to nurture the soul, heal the heart, expand consciousness, transform lives, and inspire believers of all faiths. She has produced 93 programs that air on 17 stations. For more information, visit www.godtalktv.org