Section outline

  • At the end of the course, you are required to write and submit a paper which contains a reflection of your overall experience with the Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality text as well as the activities contained there.

    This paper should include a description of how this course has changed the way you look at yourself, at nature, and with the One who created it all.  How has taking this course impacted on your view, your connection with nature, and with your relationship with God and, if so, how? 

    If not, please describe why you think that is.  Also include anything that may have surprised you about yourself. Was there a particular part of the text that stood out the most for you and why do you think that was? 

    Was there a particular activity that you enjoyed the most or what you found the most difficult to do and explain why you think that was? Describe how and if what you have learned you could apply to your life and then go on to explain how you would go about doing that.  For example, would you change the way you are living and, if so, how would you go about changing it? 

    Will this be through a new commitment to the Earth and to those who dwell upon her and, if so, how would you go about fulfilling that commitment?

    Most importantly, describe how taking this course has changed your relationship with God. Using your journal thoughts and responses to the reflective questions in the text can be of great benefit to you in writing this paper.

    • Opened: Sunday, June 2, 2024, 9:00 AM
      Due: Sunday, June 9, 2024, 9:00 AM