Student Learning Objectives
Section outline
- To locate your creative nature, as well as a desire to utilize it in your life in a more positive way.
- To learn to think, feel, & relate, like nature’s wisdom works, through a deep and new appreciation of its beauty.
- To develop an authentic, and more loving, connection not only with nature, but also with yourself, and with the Creator.
- To develop a deep sense of the sacred, and oneness, with all things.
- To develop a deep and lasting set of values that are inclusive of all the Earth, which can result in a lasting sense of happiness and contentment.
- To develop a passion to protect, and defend, the rights of all creatures and of the Earth
- Through the learning objectives already mentioned (#1-7) you should, at the end of this course, have developed the ability, and desire, to articulate to other people the impact of this experience, and how it now plays an important role in your work and life, so they, too, might gain the same understanding of how important it is to love, respect, and care for nature. You will do this through sharing the notebook/journal you had created while taking the course, through group conversations, workshops you might create, or by living your life through example.