Section outline

  • Schneider, M. (2020). Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality: How Locating Your Creativity Through a Practice of Eco-Art Activities, Within Nature, combined with a Knowledge of the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality, can Result in a Deeper Spiritual Connection with Yourself, with Nature, and, Most Importantly, with the Creator

    Note: The Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality text will be available through the instructor via a PDF File, at the onset of the course, which you can either have printed, in its entirety, or just copy a chapter a week. It is being done in this way so you can include each of the chapters in a notebook you will be creating that will also contain your nature art and your reflective responses to the questions in the text. Also, it is being done in this way as this work has not been published or shared with anyone who is not taking this course.

    Fox, M. (2004). Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet. NY: Penguin House. (This text is available on Amazon or any other media site.)

    Fox, M. (2000). Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality Presented in Four Paths, Twenty-Six Themes, and Two Questions. NY: Putnum.

    Note: The reading of the text Original Blessing should have been completed when you took TH580 Creation Spirituality which is a requirement for this course. However, you will be reflecting back on it when you are completing Assignment #4.

    Other Required Materials:
    A sketchbook and any color medium you choose to use to complete the art activities (examples of such mediums would be colored pencils, crayons, paints, markers, etc.)
    A notebook of your choice is required, as well as some dividers for organizing/separating each chapter, as well as notebook paper for journaling your thoughts and writing down responses to the reflective questions located at the end of each chapter of the Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality text. This will also provide a place for the art you have created that applies to each nature activity. In this way you will have created a type of journal that you can go back to and reflect upon and share with others once the course is over.

    Suggested Readings & Supplemental Bibliography:
    In the Bibliography located at the end of the Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality text you will find numerous books that were utilized in creating this book which you might find to be an interesting read when it comes to gaining more knowledge about Creation Spirituality.